================= EXTRACT Function ================= `M言語プログラミングブック`_ [WALTERS1997]_ から引用 Page 65. コマンド ---------------- :: $EXTRACT(target[,start[,end]]) Description ----------- ``$EXTRACT(target[,start[,end]])`` takes a string and two optional integers as arguments and returns a substring. * Returns the first character of the target string if the start argument is omitted. * If ``start`` or ``end`` are out of bounds then it returns only valid characters from the target string. * If ``end`` < ``start`` then it returns ``""``. 例 ------- :: ; Writes "T" S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski") W X ; Writes "o" S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski",3) W X ; Writes nothing S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski",0) W X ; Writes nothing S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski",999) W X ; Writes "Thomas Rozanski" S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski",0,999) W X ; Writes "Tho" S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski",1,3) W X ; Writes nothing S X=$EXTRACT("Thomas Rozanski",3,1) W X .. _M言語プログラミングブック: http://books.google.com/books?id=jo8_Mtmp30kC&printsec=frontcover&dq=M+Programming&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2mktT--GHajw0gHnkKWUCw&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=M%20Programming&f=false ..